Business Data Connectivity Error (EventID 8085) Sharepoint2010

In creating a External Content type from the Sharepoint Designer for one of my new project I found some errors when I tried to create a new external content type for one of my list. so that I can create a BDC service for my list which fetch and sync data to my list.

On my First Click on the External Content Type in the SharePoint Designer I got the below exception.

error sharepont deisnger external content type

Then I checked my Business Data Connectivity Service Application &  Business Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy which seems are started and fine but when I click on any of the link I found exception as page crash. “Service is unavilable” , I check the event viewer I found EventId 8085.  Link.

I had also check the WCF hotfix for Sharepoint WCF Hot Fix Link but still the page crashed, I went back to my IIS and check  SecurityTokenSerivceApplication in the sharepoint webservices tab and provide the authentication form the basic setting, and also run the app pool which was stop. 
It seems ok and working fine….

External contenttype bdc SharePoint deisnger working fine
External contenttype bdc SharePoint deisnger working fine